Monday, March 7, 2011


I'm glad I'm a girl.

I'm glad I have three sisters.

I'm glad I have lots of sisters-in-law.

I'm glad I have lots and lots of boofy blonde beautiful cousins.

I'm glad I have girlfriends.

It's great to be a girl. Girls are just girls, ya know? We get each other. We like to talk and eat together for hours on end. Phone calls with the hubby last maybe five minutes. Always have. Even when we were dating we didn't like talking over the phone. In person is way better. Phone calls with my sisters are always long. Girls just like to talk.

I'm so glad we had a little girl. She's my buddy, my lunchdate, my shopping partner, my mini-me. Most of our conversations are one-sided, but she still loves me. And I sure do love her back.

I'm so glad I get to go on a girls trip next week. This snow is killing me. And I'm in need for some serious girltalk. And good old diet pepsi by the pool. Brooklyn is coming with me, can't wait!

But I sure will miss this guy.......

Seriously people, isn't he handsome? I'm lucky he gets me, that he understand my need for girl time. For sister time. For these little girls trips I take. Love him.

And so does our blue-eyed daughter.


Team Beardshall said...

My goodness I hope I am not creeping you out by blog stalking....but I just have to tell you that you are pretty amazing and I just think Brooklyn is the cutest!

Gabe and Abby said...

So excited for you to come to AZ!!!!