There is a family picture that looks almost identical to this one hanging above Roger's parents fireplace. Problem is, the Gardner family has exploded since that picture was taken almost 10 years ago. So over Fathers Day weekend we headed up to Park City for a big family reunion and took this same picture again with every single one of the 39 Gardners. We owe the photographer big time.

Many thanks to Gary and Susan for paying for this fun filled weekend!

We played hard. And ate lots of good food. Sleep was an afterthought for sure.
Our activities included touring the Olympic Park, swimming, playing softball, riding the alpine slide and the coaster, and shopping the outlets. Did I mention eating?
Trips are just funner with family around. And the Gardner family sure knows how to have a good time!
The rest is pictures of our fun...another long post. :)

Meet some of the cousins. The smiley baby is Abby. I could eat her she's so cute. I almost had Rachel and Rod convinced to let me take her home with us. Baby hunger here we come!

I don't have a copy of the whole family picture yet, but that will hopefully happen this week. I'll post it and let you see what an incredible family I married into. And how big we are!
Brooklyn loves her cousins. She was happiest with them around. I don't have a picture of the newest Gardner baby, Benson, but he sure is a cute little peanut! He was too busy being passed around the family to take time for a picture. But this trip was to celebrate his birth as well - Adam blessed him on Fathers Day. Congrats Liz and Adam, he's perfect.
Thanks again to my in laws for a perfect vacation!