Thursday, April 26, 2012

We're Having A.....


Another girl, we're so thrilled! Yes we thought all along this one was a girl, so today's ultrasound was no surprise. There was no doubt on the gender...even BOTH of our untrained eyes could see 'it' was a she.

Gardner girl will make grandchild #3 for my parents, and #22 for Rogers parents.

Seeing a living human being on that screen is the coolest thing to watch. It never gets old. This little one is either as feisty or as shy as Brooklyn was - she wouldn't let us get a good look at her face. Good thing we get to go back for another ultrasound in two weeks.

Gardner girl #2 looks great. No issues that we can see at this point, both in her anatomy and with things holding her in there...aka me. The only change? My due date was moved back a week. Bummer. Not that I mind being pregnant, it's just one more week we have to worry and wonder how far I'll carry her.

HER. I can't get over saying it. Brooklyn will have a sister. I'll have another little girl to hang out with. I get girls, it's all I've ever known. I get one more lunch date, one more shopping partner, one more wedding to plan, one more friend. Aaaah, I can't wait! Now Roger is also thrilled...let's not leave him out of this. He wants his son someday (so do I for that matter), but he had a smile plastered on his face the whole way out to the car. Maybe that's a good coverup for his concern over the amount of hormonal women in his life now! Roger LOVES his girls, and they love him. He is an incredible dad....there are good dads and great dads. The men in my life fall under the great category. But for those times he may find himself outnumbered by his girls, my dad offered to help him out...he produced all girls too!

I was so nervous going into today's appt. What would they find? What would they tell us? Would we feel peaceful about the game plan? My nerves got the best of me - my stomach battled me all morning and my blood pressure was through the roof. I can honestly say we feel pretty good about things. Progesterone shots start today (ummm, can someone please come do that for me? There is no way I can give myself that nasty, thick as peanut butter shot. And Roger will pass out. Really. Csu friends...anyone willing?). They'll measure my cervix frequently, every two weeks for now...which is why we get to go back in two weeks. And they will put me flat in bed or the hospital if my cervix becomes to thin.

So I feel pretty good about things. Because we're having another girl!!!

Gotta start brainstorming names........

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Birthday......2!!

Can we please go back and recount the days in the calendar? There is no way this girl is already 2!!

Birthdays are a great excuse to celebrate, but also a time do some fun reflecting over the last year. It amazes me how much Brooklyn has changed in just a year. I was always told that time moves too fast when you get older. Ya know what? They were right.

I thought I'd go back and look at where she was at around each of her birthdays for a comparison. Holy cow she has grown!

Her Birth (and up to 3 months)......

Age 1........

Age 2..........

There is still no doubt who she belongs to - I swear you'd think I had nothing to do with her creation with how much she looks like Roger. We sure do love this little girl. She brought a joy and happiness into our lives we didn't even know we were missing! Now we can't imagine life without her! She is such an easy baby - always so happy and spunky.

Happy Birthday (on the 14th) Brooklyn!! We love you!!!