Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Birthday......2!!

Can we please go back and recount the days in the calendar? There is no way this girl is already 2!!

Birthdays are a great excuse to celebrate, but also a time do some fun reflecting over the last year. It amazes me how much Brooklyn has changed in just a year. I was always told that time moves too fast when you get older. Ya know what? They were right.

I thought I'd go back and look at where she was at around each of her birthdays for a comparison. Holy cow she has grown!

Her Birth (and up to 3 months)......

Age 1........

Age 2..........

There is still no doubt who she belongs to - I swear you'd think I had nothing to do with her creation with how much she looks like Roger. We sure do love this little girl. She brought a joy and happiness into our lives we didn't even know we were missing! Now we can't imagine life without her! She is such an easy baby - always so happy and spunky.

Happy Birthday (on the 14th) Brooklyn!! We love you!!!


Unknown said...

she is so cute ashley!! happy birthday to your little sweetie.

Tricia and Jon said...

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!