Thursday, February 23, 2012

An ER Visit

It has been an interesting 24 hours. We spent last night in Riverton's ER hoping and praying we weren't losing the baby.

I had awful awful awful low stomach pains last night. They came and went every ten minutes or so and radiated to my lower back. I was literally on my knees in tears it hurt so bad. For those who don't know me, I have a really high pain tolerance. It takes A LOT to make me cry. But after 3 hours of dealing with the pain I couldn't handle it anymore. So we called our home teacher of all people (I was so distracted by the pain I didn't realize that is who Roger called first...thanks a million Brian for watching Brooklyn until my mom and dad could get there!)

Fortunately, the baby looked great. My levels were sky high and there was a fast little heartbeat on the ultrasound. What an dramatic and expensive way to get our first look at the peanut! But the mystery was why I was hurting so much. The doctor was stumped. Nothing pointed to appendicitis, my gallbladder, digestive issues, or an ectopic pregnancy. In all honesty they didn't check anything but some blood and urine, plus the ultrasound of the baby....I admit I was slightly disappointed in the care. They were super fast and nice, but couldn't tell me what my problem was. I hate to waste an ER copay for no answers. I guess that's the nurse coming out in me huh?

My pains eased up by 2:00am (we were already back home at this point), but continued again this morning. Tonight everything has eased into a dull ache that comes and goes.

My OB is reassured by the fact that I'm not bleeding yet. So now it's a big waiting game. Ugh, I have no patience.

Did I have a kidney stone? A ruptured cyst? I'm skeptical it's stretching pains, I'm only nine weeks along. And I've done this before, I remember the stretching part.

But at the end of the day, I'm grateful to still have a living baby in there. I'm sad knowing it could be the beginnings of a miscarriage, but realize that is not up to me. So were crossing our fingers at the Gardner household for our luck to hold out on this little one!


NatBug said...

I am so sorry Ash, I sure hope your little bean makes it. I just lost a baby right before Christmas, my first loss, it was and still is really hard on my emotions, but I have come to realize that it is up to our Heavenly Father to choose what happens with these little ones. I wish you all the luck!

Allison said...

Yikes! Pains of any kind are really scary when pregnancy is involved. I hope that you are able to just take it easy and that this little baby can continue to keep a strong heartbeat. Hugs!

Laura said...

Ash!! I hope they can figure out what is wrong and the baby will be okay. You poor thing. You go through so much to bring these little ones here safely!!

Austin and Marianne said...

I feel for you! I hope all is well. I'm pregnant again and hope to stay that way this time. Going on a 3rd pregnancy in 6 months. I'll keep checking in to see how things are! Love ya!