Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I had surgery yesterday. Ouch. And I threw up afterwards. A lot.

Why you ask?? From this pretty baby right here.

I've had a cyst on my left wrist for a couple months. The doctor says its from post pregnancy hormones and the way I would hold Brooklyn when I was burping her. Oops. Come talk to me and I'll show you how NOT to burp a baby.

Two steroid injections and lots of doctor visits wouldn't get rid of the pain. And it hurt lots. So surgery was scheduled. It was great. In and out. But I told the docs that I struggle with post-op nausea. I actually struggle with nausea with narcotics as well. I'll never be an addict cause I HATE to throw up! Yuck.

Despite some lovely nausea meds, I still had to have Roger pull over on the side of the road after leaving the surgery clinic so I could dry heave. I dry heaved all day at my mom's while she watched the baby. And took good care of a sickly daughter (thanks mom, I owe you!). I might have thrown up into a grocery bag all the way home as well.

Like I said, never gonna be an addict.

Roger should be a nurse. And a maid. He took awesome care of me last night. He cleaned, he bathed the baby, he yelled and screamed when our Utah Jazz won in overtime, he helped me into bed at 9:00 at night cause I'd been passed out on the couch for who knows how long. I love him. Thanks Rog for taking care of me. And thanks mom for cooking us dinner.

Today I'm a new woman. No more throwing up - in fact I'm enjoying a nice cold Diet Pepsi as we speak. Love that. And my wrist hardly hurts today, just some soreness that comes and goes.

But I still hate surgery. I've only had surgery for bad reasons (guess there's never a good reason), but I still don't like the memories those awful OR lights bring back. Hopefully the Gardner household is done with doctors for a long time!


Austin and Marianne said...

Was it a ganglion cyst? If it was, just a warning, they grow back. I've had two. The first I had surgically removed and then the second one popped itself when I fell and caught myself with that hand. I never do well post anesthesia either. That is my least favorite part of it all. Hope you feel better soon!

Nicole said...

Wow, that is awful! I am so sorry! I think the puking part is the worst, you poor thing!!

But look how cute Brooklyn looks!!

The Leishman Family said...

Oh my heck, that is the same thing I have been going through. I have had this pain in my left wrist for about 4 months now and I had a steroid injection once, and they told me to come back in if it didn't get better. Well, it's not better but our insurance just started over so the rest of the treatment will have to wait. Hope you are feeling better, you will have to show me how to "correctly" burp a baby. I didn't even know that was related.

Pew Family said...

I'm so so sorry about your surgery, that's awful! But oh my is your little one cute! She is so chubby! I love it!! Adorable!