Today I stand corrected. And a little humbled, as much as my pride hates to admit that.
This cutie pie doesn't qualify for Early Intervention...because she's not behind!!
Brooklyn is definitely not 'jumping ahead' when it comes to gross motor skills (rolling over, sitting up) but is in no way delayed. In fact, our awesome therapist called her 'social'...we've heard that before!
I also LOVED the therapist! Ali, you were right. Brooklyn loved a new playmate - she performed quite well for him. She may be a little afraid of strangers (she's afraid you're going to poke her) and gives out smiles only after you've worked hard for them, but she is still a very social and curious baby.
I'm so glad. And relieved. I thought I had failed as a mom because she can't do certain things yet. I'm the one home with her most during the day, so I thought her 'delays' were my fault. I'm glad to hear she's on track. It saved me a little bit of heartache today.
We were taught some great tricks today. And why is it these kids always perform for these guys and not for mom and dad? Brooklyn sat up today - on her own - for two minutes - without any help whatsoever. What?!
I'm excited to practice our new tricks in the coming weeks. He said she should be sitting up within two weeks! Here's crossing our fingers!
I also need to reevaluate the words in the title of this post.
Thank you to the people that follow our blog...no matter if we know you or not. Do you have any idea how much it means to us? This is our journal, but also my place to find support. So thank you for being there.
And I read each of your blogs faithfully. In fact I check my bloglist everyday. I even check your blog lists for the people I know/want to know that I'm too afraid to leave a comment with. Please know I love your updates, despite my lack of comments. I'm a follower, please continue to update! And leave me a comment so I can feel okay about adding you to our bloglist.
Thank you to programs like Early Intevention. Thank you to the people that work so hard for others. Thank you....such simple words. But we sure mean it!