Yes we've been busy! We left this sleeping sweetheart... visit Lake Powell!
Thank you so much Jen and Kelly for a great trip!! Shall we go again next month?! :)
We were itching to see this cute face, she didn't disappoint us...wide awake and looking cuter than ever when we showed up. Did I mention she gained 1/2 lb. while we were gone? Promise I'm not switching out my milk for whipping cream!
Then we had a shower for Heather and I - so so much fun! Heather is due with baby boy August 20th (yes our kids were supposed to only be six weeks apart - oops.) Thanks Brooke and Nat, you outdid yourselves!
And finally, I started back to work this week. What an odd feeling knowing our little squirt is one floor above where I'm working. Yesterday was my first day back - it was insane - but good to be back in my routine. I visited for five minutes during my lunch break, then again after I got off shift.
In clothes for the first time!
Progress Report:
- She hit four pounds last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!
- Brooklyn is off high flow and on a nasal canula. She still is on room air.
- She passed another eye test - one more in two weeks and then we're done. I'm so glad... they are awful to watch. I stood by the sink with my back to her while they did it and cried with her the whole time.
- Hardly any breath holding. Maybe one every few days that requires her nurses to stimulate her.
- And finally attempting to bottle feed her once a day. Wish I could say she did well with this one, but I can't. She shows no interest. Oh well, we'll keep working on it. Good thing for feeding tubes!
Oh she look so cute in her clothes!!! I'm so glad she's at 4 pounds. That's awesome. Its also nice that you guys got to get away. It sounds like you had fun.
So glad you finally posted something!! I was just about to call you and see if all was well but I thought to check the blog today to see if you gave an update and you did. So glad you had a chance to enjoy the sun. She looks just beautiful!
Nanette Christensen
She's definitely chubbed out.. what a cutie! I bet it was nice to have a break- all moms deserve one!
Yay!!! She gets to wear clothes! She looks so precious in her litte outfit. I am so glad you guys were able to get away to Lake Powell for a few days. :)
She is looking so good pudging up and everything! Haha, I guess 4 lbs isn't so pudgy, but for her it is a good thing!
She is adorable and she looks so good!
Oh my gosh... she is so adorable & growing so much! I love those soft pajamas (I'm sure they are so tiny too!). Grace had some just like that... she absolutely loved them, and I was constantly doing wash to keep them clean! I'm so glad you were able to go to Powell; a much needed break :) And by the way... you look great!!
Yay for four pounds!!! I'm So glad you guys got a little break you needed it! She is a doll!
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