Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Everybody say 'aaaaaw' with me. Can't help but grin on this one can ya? :)

Seriously mom, you're really making me wear this bow? It's as big as my head!

She forgave me as soon as she got a good nap in.

Some tummy time.......love a naked baby! You want to kiss their cute little chubby belly!

Watching a movie with dad. Or just doing what she does best (sleeping during the day instead of at night).

Brooklyn woke up at 5:30 this morning. After a bottle I tucked her in with Roger and made a run to Walmart. I came home to find this........ again, say "aaaaaaw" with me.

Having kids makes you do things you said you'd never do....

  • Like put your baby in your bed with you. Yes we do this. Only after 6:00am, but whatever. I'm desperate for the sleep.
  • Or go to Walmart at 6:00am because you don't have to load up your entire house just to buy some potatoes. Might have walked in there with no make up on and bed head. Hadn't even touched it. Really. I used to never leave my house without some form of make-up on, even if it was lipstick. I feel more confident if I feel somewhat decent looking. Haha, so much for that.
  • Don't visit me before noon. Or else you might find me a scary sight. TodayI walked around until noon with half of my hair ratted (yes all of you girls know what I'm talking about), half of my mascara done, and dressed halfway. That's what happens when your morning routine gets interrupted by a newborn.

Who wants to come visit us??!!! :)


Ellingson's said...

I really want to come!! Let me know when a good time for you is... it's gotta be after 4:30 for me so Jeff can watch the kids

Austin and Marianne said...

I do! I do! Haha. We totally put Jenna in bed with us...and still do. We're trying to get out of that habit, but it's hard!

Nan said...

Keep posting pictures of this cutie, I love them all!!!! Now you'll understand if you see me at the store looking a mess :)

Nanette Christensen

Burtons said...


Brooklyn is absolutely adorable. It has been good to keep updated through your blog. I have asked my mom numerous times if she has any new information on your little one. She told me she was able to visit the baby a few times. I am so glad she is home and on her way to a healthy recovery. I hope all goes well and you start to get some needed sleep.

Lindsay (Brooks) Burton

Carrie said...

If I come visit after 5 and am in my PJs will that make you feel better? I don't even have a newborn! Love all of the pics! I think it is a must to have the ones with them napping on daddy's chest. It is a rite of passage. Glad you are doing well. Let me know if you need anything - I usually have potatoes on hand!!! ;)